The star among the stars: there can be no better definition for the Bergamot of Reggio Calabria, which literally flooded the parterre with scents and made the stars and actresses of the Magna Graecia Film Festival, these days in Catanzaro, fall in love.
“Ohhh, Bergamot…,” was the amused expression of Oscar winner Susan Sarandon, receiving the gift of sweets and essence. At the regional Citadel, during the national press conference, the Hollywood actress opened the package and distributed the bergamot to President Occhiuto, regional aldermen, Film Commission President Grande and kermesse patron Casadonte. Laughter and especially a lot of goodness. Same refrain and lots of nice anecdotes also with the Spanish actress, star of the fourth night at the Mgff, Rocio Muñoz Morales.
“For the elegance, vitality, charm and versatility that are the same peculiarities of Bergamot of Reggio Calabria. For the unique and exclusive fragrance that gives off those with charisma. And also for the loving bond with that portion of the Reggio land that our extraordinary citrus fruit is the birthplace of.” with this motivation, the president of the Consortium for the Protection of Bergamot of Reggio Calabria Ezio Pizzi, accompanied by Giovanna Pizzi, a member of the board of directors and communications manager of the Consortium, and Giacomo Giovinazzo, director general of the Department of Agriculture of the Region of Calabria, awarded precisely the actress Rocio Muñoz Morales with a painting made for the occasion by Calabrian artist Luigia Granata, depicting the fruit of bergamot.
The Reggio Calabria Bergamot Protection Consortium, in short, was an important protagonist at the Magna Graecia Film Festival. Also at the presentation of the book “Where the Sun is Born,” Rocío Muñoz Morales was presented with a basket containing some of the best Calabrian food and wine excellences starting with bergamot essence.
Closing the day dedicated to our fruit were all the MGFF protagonists, including actors and industry professionals, who honored the extraordinary citrus fruit during an exclusive dinner at the “Scogliera” in Pietragrande, an evocative place, an exceptional stage for delicious bergamot-based dishes.
“We had the opportunity to make the multifacetedness of bergamot known. In press conferences, during cultural presentations, during the evening show and also in the lounge area of the Magna Graecia Food Feast, Calabria was scented by our citrus fruit,” the words of President Ezio Pizzi and communications manager Goovanna Pizzi, on the sidelines of the evening. The two, representing Reggio producers, clearly reiterated a new narrative of the product. From essence for the world’s best perfumes to health effects to use in great kitchens.
The bergamot drink was the most requested cocktail by the guests, as were the liqueurs, juices, jams, honey, candies and the ever-present almond paste sweets given directly to the protagonists.
“I love these sweets, every time I come home from theatrical tours I devour them…but don’t say anything to my Calabrian love doc Raoul,” actress Rocìo’s cute little siparietto.
Two more goodies: Giovanna Pizzi wore the splendid dresses, with Calabria superstar, by designer Luigia Granata, depicting in addition to bergamot symbols of our land such as Capo Colonna or the Mosaics of Casignana; and then a work by artist Elena Iacopino made of papier-mâché and bergamot peel and essence, a tribute to the women whose features she has.