

A press conference was held today at the Chamber of Commerce on the state of the art of the process for the recognition of the PDO of fresh bergamot of Reggio Calabria.
Activities for the achievement of this important goal, have been started since the early months of 2021 through sharing with the Consortium for the Protection of Bergamot of Reggio Calabria – essential oil, a body committed to the protection and enhancement of this product and the entire supply chain. Several operational meetings have been organized between representatives of the agricultural confederations Cia, Confagricoltura, Coldiretti, Copagri, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Calabria and with the involvement of the Experimental Station for the industries of essences and citrus derivatives and the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, as partners with technical-scientific expertise functional to the enhancement of the project. 
Thanks to the presence of expert figures for the initiation of the process and the submission of the application for recognition, the desire to apply for the recognition of the fresh fruit of bergamot of Reggio Calabria PDO emerged, the most effective tool to enhance a production excellence, characterized by a strong link with the territory both in terms of historicity, tradition, but also for its peculiarities. Proof of this is also the same PDO recognition for its essential oil.
The work of sharing and comparison carried out on the territory with the organizations representing the supply chain, with the Consortium and with the producers, as well as with the competent regional and ministerial bodies, has been flanked by research and study work carried out by the Mediterranean University and by experts from the chamber system who, together with the Consortium of protection, have traced the path to be followed to achieve the important EU recognition.
An articulate work was carried out to remodel the existing specification for obtaining the bergamot of Reggio Calabria -essential oil PDO, in order to also update the characteristics of the product to the actual characteristics determined by the changed climatic conditions, but above all, the opportunity to protect the Bergamot of Reggio Calabria was identified, modifying the name of the existing protection, because of the increasing use and value attributable to the fresh product which, in the flavedo, due to the pedoclimatic conditions, agronomic attentions and local customs of cultivation of the plant, contains a fragrance and aroma that make the product unique and identity of the vocated area. 
Therefore, the process envisaged by Ministerial Decree 14/10/2013 art. 13 (Modification of a specification) has been initiated, which, following the submission of the appropriate application to the relevant bodies, provides for the opinion of the Region and the consequent resolution of the Ministry (for some proposed changes to the specification, considered minor). For non-minor changes (including the change of name), after the Ministry’s preliminary investigation, the approval of the European Commission is expected. 
“The DOP protection of Reggio Calabria bergamot is a strategic project for the enhancement of a very important agricultural and agro-industrial supply chain in the Reggio Calabria area, said Chamber of Commerce President Antonino Tramontana. It is a path that has been extensively shared with operators, employer associations and the Protection Consortium.   The path taken was also made possible thanks to the fundamental role of study and research played by our University, which is strongly committed to supporting the growth and development of the local economy.
For the Chamber of Commerce, it represents a further opportunity to continue its institutional commitment to support businesses, through processes of organizational innovation and internationalization of supply chains, as well as to support the enhancement and promotion of the territory, focusing on bergamot and the inescapable identity, historical and cultural link with the production area present in the metropolitan area of Reggio Calabria.”
Also speaking at the press conference was the Rector of the Mediterranea University, Giuseppe Zimbalatti, who said, “We have adhered with conviction to the initiative for the PDO protection of the Bergamot of Reggio Calabria, believing that the time is certainly ripe to support this path. The proposed recognition, which is characterized by a unified vision shared by all the trade associations, represents a resource not only for the vocated area envisaged by the specification, but for the entire region, which will be able to boast a unique and exclusive production for its characteristics, typical of the Calabrian territory.” 
The president of the Consortium for the Protection of Bergamot of Reggio Calabria – essential oil, Ezio Pizzi pointed out that the growing importance, also in economic terms, of the bergamot of Reggio Calabria has created the conditions for the start-up of new plants outside the production area already defined for the essential oil, and even in Regions other than the Region of Calabria itself, to the detriment of the quality and preservation of the requirements proper to the Reggio Calabria production. President Pizzi therefore wished to thank the Chamber of Commerce and the agricultural confederations for the path taken, hoping that the same could also be concluded within a year.
Participating in the press conference were Patrizia Rodi, vice president for Coldiretti Reggio Calabria, Vincenzo Lentini president of Copagri Reggio Calabria, Salvatore Borruto president of Cia Reggio Calabria and Diego Suraci, director of Confagricoltura Reggio Calabria.

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