

An affectionate handshake. And a mutual wish for the growth, constant, of bergamot and the synergistic actions of the institutions. The president of the Reggio Calabria Bergamot Protection Consortium, Ezio Pizzi, met with Arsac Extraordinary Commissioner Fulvia Michela Caligiuri. In the headquarters of the Calabria Region’s “operational arm” for agriculture, Pizzi and Caligiuri addressed the many perspectives with respect to the actions of the Consortium and consortium members.
President Pizzi wanted to list to Caligiuri the work carried out over the past years and especially the new communication in place to enhance, even more, supply chain and producers. For his part, the Commissioner happily welcomed the Consortium’s expectations and thanked Pizzi several times for the constant effort put forth. “Together,” they reiterated, ”we can grow further. There is no need or need to look backward. Now is the time to join forces, in every sense. In the field and among the different actors involved, without fueling further divisions and in a renewed common spirit that will lead, certainly, to other important results.”
The meeting, which took place at the company’s headquarters in Viale Trieste in Cosenza, also proved crucial for the continuation. With participation in trade fairs, in the appointments that Arsac puts on the field, in the actions with the Department of the Region of Calabria and the Department of reference. And, last but not least, together with all the category associations that think in unified terms. The “visit” was also a moment of discussion on the strategic role of services in agriculture provided through the territorial structures of Arsac and on relations with the world of research. 

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